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All-Polish 2024 PL/EN

2014 Season offer

Price: PLN
(Prices marked are approximate and automatically converted according to the NBP tables: 082/A/NBP/2024 - 2024-04-25)
Fresh semen:
Frozen semen:
Out of the offer at the moment, only for Janow Podlaski Stud use

Semen Administrator: Janów Podlaski Stud
Stadnina Koni Janów Podlaski
Wygoda 3
21-505 Janów Podlaski
+48 83-341-30-09
+48 83-341-33-60
Anna Stefaniuk


(Ekstern (PL) x Pianosa (PL))
Stallion, grey, 2005

Breeder: SK Janów Podlaski (PL)
Sire line: Kuhailan Haifi or.ar. 1923, hod. Khalef el Aouad, imp. 1931 Gumniska (PL)
Dam line: Szamrajówka ~1810, hod. Biała Cerkiew (PL)

Polon - fot. Wiesław Pawłowski (2014)
Polon - fot. Wiesław Pawłowski (2014)
Ekstern (PL) Monogramm (US) Negatraz (US)
Monogramma (SU)
Ernestyna (PL) Piechur (PL)
Erwina (PL)
Pianosa (PL) Eukaliptus (PL) Bandos (PL)
Eunice (PL)
Pinia (PL) Probat (SE)
Pilarka (PL)