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All-Polish 2024 PL/EN

2021 Season offer

Price: 2500 PLN
(577.45EUR*) (Prices marked are approximate and automatically converted according to the NBP tables: 087/A/NBP/2024 - 2024-05-06)
Fresh semen:
Frozen semen:
50% discount for PASB mares

Semen Administrator: Janów Podlaski State Stud


(Eukaliptus (PL) x Algora (PL))
Stallion, grey, 2000

Breeder: SK Janów Podlaski (PL)
Sire line: Ibrahim or.ar. 1899, hod. Obdurahm Abdullah, imp. 1907 Antoniny (PL)
Dam line: Scherife or.ar. 1896, imp. 1902 Bábolna (HU)

Alwaro - fot. Lidia Pawłowska (2008)
Alwaro - fot. Lidia Pawłowska (2008)
Eukaliptus (PL) Bandos (PL) Negatiw (SU)
Bandola (PL)
Eunice (PL) Comet (PL)
Epigona (PL)
Algora (PL) Probat (SE) Pohaniec (PL)
Borexia (SE)
Algeria (PL) Celebes (PL)
Algonkina (PL)
Alwaro is the son of the eminent Eucalyptus - the unsurpassed father of many champions, representing the family of Ibrahim d.b.

On the maternal side, Alwaro comes from the mare family Algeria from the valuable Scherife d.b. Alwaro's mother, the meritorious Algora, was combined with Eucalyptus five times, always with very good results. Alwaro's three full sisters were designated for breeding, and the older brother - Aslan - also took the lead box at the home stud.

Alwaro attracted the attention of breeders, incl. by successful performances at shows in hand and under the saddle. In the 2006 season he became the Senior Champion Stallion of the 1st Autumn Show in Janów Podlaski. Alwaro - different in type than bay Aslan - after two years of training on the racetrack, he returned to his home stud to start a breeding career at his home stud.


2006: Polish National Champion Stallion, Janów Podlaski 

Racing career

2003-2004 - 13 starts: 2xI, 3xIII, 1xIV