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All-Polish 2024 PL/EN

2021 Season offer

Price: 800 EUR
(3465.84PLN*) (Prices marked are approximate and automatically converted according to the NBP tables: 086/A/NBP/2024 - 2024-05-02)
Fresh semen:
Frozen semen:
+8% VAT

Semen Administrator: Chrcynno-Pałac Stud

Psyche Ull

(Forteynas Magic x Psyche Victoria)
Stallion, grey, 2012

Breeder: SK Chrcynno-Pałac (PL)
Sire line: Saklawi I 1886
Dam line: Szamrajówka ~1810

Psyche Ull - fot. Sylwia Iłenda
Psyche Ull - fot. Sylwia Iłenda
Forteynas Magic Magnum Psyche Padrons Psyche
A Fancy Miracle
Bint Forteyna Bey Shah
TW Forteyna
Psyche Victoria Ekstern Monogramm
Pallas-Atena Ecaho
The foals by Psyche Ull are pretty, have harmonious conformation and big, beautiful eyes.

Breeding career

2017    - grey filly GAJA PROXIMA out of GAJA HERA
2017    - grey filly PSYCHE TEJA out of PSYCHE KYBELE
2018    - grey filly ECHO ARSU out of ECHO ARIADNA
2020    - grey filly PSYCHE ADELAJDA out of PSYCHE DIANA


* 5th place in the yearling colts class 1A, Spring Youth Show, Białka 2013, Poland
* 5th place in the two-year-old colts class, International Show (B), Wels 2014, Austria
* 2nd place, two-year-old colts, class 2, International Show B ARABIA-POLSKA 2014, Poland
* 2nd place in class 5 - two-year-old colts, Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival 2014, Poland
* 3rd place in the three year old colts class, Berlin Arabian Horse Cup (B int.), Berlin 2015, Germany
* 1st place in class 3 - three-year-old colts, Polska-Arabia 2015- B int. - Warsaw Championship, Poland
* Silver Medal in the Ogierki category, Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival 2015 (B int.), Nowe Wrońska, Poland
* 1st place, class 6: three-year-old colts, Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival 2015 (B int.), Nowe Wrońska, Poland
* Bronze Medal in the Colts category, European Breeders Championships - AHO Breeders' Championship Europe Chantilly 2015, France
* 1st place, class 8: three-year-old colts, European Breeders Championships - AHO Breeders' Championship Europe Chantilly 2015, France
* 1st place, class VII-stallions 4-6 years old, ARABIA-Poland, 5th Warsaw Championships (B int.), Buksza Polo Club 2016, Poland
* Silver Medal in the Stallions category, ARABIA-Poland, 5th Warsaw Championships (B int.), Buksza Polo Club 2016, Poland
* 3rd place, stall class 4-6 years old, Polish National Show 2016, Poland
* 5th place, class 8: 4-6 year old stallions, 3rd National Arabian Horse Championships (C nat.), Radom 2018, Poland
* 3rd place, class 10: 4-6 years old stallions, Polish National Show (N), Warsaw 2018, Poland
* 1st place in class 6B: Stallions, Arabian Horse Show Sopot (C Breeders), Sopot 2020, Poland
* Bronze Medal in the Stallion Championship, Arabian Horse Show Sopot (C Breeders), Sopot 2020, Poland
* 2nd place in class 11 - 7 years old and above stallions, Polish National Show, Janów Podlaski 2021, Poland
* Title of Top Four, Polish National Show, Janów Podlaski 2021, Poland